
  • 时间:2023-06-08 04:32|
  • 来源:网络转载

6月7日讯 利雅得新月临时教练埃米利亚诺·迪亚斯最近接受了Tyc体育采访,他说c罗比梅西差了几年。



当被问及克里斯蒂亚诺·罗纳尔多在利雅得胜利对利雅得新月的比赛中是否甚至没有触球时,迪亚斯说:“他过着艰难的生活。他对大球队没有贡献,对小球队进了三四个球。我看到这里的人们在讨论他。他输掉了杯赛、超级杯和联赛。在亚洲,他无法竞争。”(With the big clubs he made no difference. He scored three or four goals for the small clubs and I saw that they were talking about him here. He lost the Kings Cup, he lost the Super Cup and the tournament. In Asia he is not going to compete.)

谈到c罗和同胞梅西的比较,迪亚斯说:“不可能。作为球员,他们没有可比性。不到三个月前,我们和c罗交手,我看到了梅西在世界杯上的表现。我们谈的是光年级的比较。没有可比性,但数据支持罗纳尔多,他是一头野兽,但在梅西的质量水平上,“没有可比性”(We have faced him less than three months ago and I went to see Leo at the World Cup. We are talking about light years of comparison. There is no comparison but the numbers support him, he is an animal. But at the level of quality of Leo there is no comparison.)

